Spiritual Understanding of Astrology

by Paramahansa Yogananda Extracted from God Talks with Arjuna, Chapter 3. All planets and stars, for example, are in the charge of divine astral beings. The influence of man from the heavenly bodies is the result of a universal symbiosis, governed by laws upheld by these higher beings. Planets and stars of themselves have no conscious power to guide or determine the destiny of man. But as the whole universe consists of and is held in existence by Nature's creative vibratory power, each individual unit radiates a characteristic electromagnetic vibration that links it with other units in the cosmos. Depending on the interaction, these vibrations are productive of good or ill. Man is a miniature of the universe in which he lives. His basic composition - of which his physical body is merely a gross manifestation - is his astral body formed from the thoughts of God, and structured around and from the creative forces and consciousness in his spiritual eye and the subtle cerebrospinal ce...