How to Choose a Personal Astrologer

Just as one may choose a personal trainer to assist in getting started on the right approach to fitness, having your very own Personal Astrologer can be the first step in establishing an ongoing and very fruitful relationship with yourself and the people in your life, if you are prepared to work at it. When you choose your Personal Astrologer, there are a number of key things one needs to keep in mind. This is someone who is going to become important in your life, as a friendly mentor or confidant, except the only difference is that the astrologer is that friend who will tell you both the good and bad about your current situation and behaviours, and how you can start to change them for the better, keeping in mind what is likely to happen in the near future. In your screening process (whether you decide to call up a bunch of astrologers, or email them, or meet them in person), evaluate: Did this person truly listen to you? Did they understand your point of view and situation without jud...