Sattva In Jyotiṣa

"Our inequality materializes our upper class, vulgarizes our middle class, and brutalizes our lower class.” – Matthew Arnold, English Essayist (1822-1888). It is difficult to find a solution to inequality (with consensus) because every mind perceives inequality differently. To find a real workable solution to inequality therefore wise men have prescribed all with firstly an equanimity within oneself. And they called this state of equilibrium or equanimity Sattva, which naturally is the default state of everything as even the net flux of life is always in equilibrium. This is how Nature is. What disturbs Sattva they called Rajas (restlessness) and Tamas (inertia). To give a simple example; Tamas is not acting when one should, Rajas is not stopping when one should, and Sattva is knowing when to act and equally knowing when to stop. Or rather it may be more proper to say that Rajas creates the perception of change, Tamas creates the perception of no change (or reduces change), and Sa...