The Lunar Nodes and Yoga

The lunar nodes are a deeply significant part of Vedic astrology, and this article will explain the esoteric significance of their mythology as well as present indications to their relevance in Yoga philosophy and its practice. In God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita, Paramahansa Yogananda presents an in-depth model for the structure of the spiritual, energetic, astral, and physical bodies and explains their interrelation as they are conceived in yogic tradition (1). The main point is that the physical body is a map of all other bodies connected to it. Just as the physical body is operated by a nervous system with its primary brain and spine, the astral and spiritual bodies similarly have a system of pathways which are coordinated by a brain and spine. Each system is subtly connected to its counterpart and together, there is a holistic model for being which can be viewed from the a contextual or effective perspective. Just as the physical body is enlivened by breath, the astral or ...